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Good news

A brief summary of the Gospel, written in contemporary words:

God created the heavens and the earth. He also created man in His image. He made man and woman.
And God and man loved each other. But man, with his own will, rebelled against God.
That's why God had to punish them, because He's a just God.
The penalty was that man would die. Man died spiritually and later also physically.
Man would be separated from God forever.

But despite all this, God still loved man!
For as their Maker, He couldn't help but love them. And because God loved man so much,
He sent His Son into the world to bear the penalty for man. Jesus Christ walked the earth to show people how to live. He died for man. And He also rose again, for He is God. He told His followers that He was going back from where He had come.

But He also told that He would come back to earth again.
Just before He left, He gave an order to His followers. They had to tell everyone that He had taken the punishment for any person who believes it.

When people believe this they will receive the Living Holy Spirit. Those who believe Him come to love Him. And because they love Him so much, they try out of Love to follow His example as best they can. Because of this, His followers are becoming more and more like Him. Eventually, Jesus Christ will return.

Then He will renew His creation and everything will be as He intended.

Goede Nieuws

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